Kav | כ

Kav appears as the energy of health.

It represents the energy of manifesting our own inner potential. It is the energy to finish the things we have started, since when we are in the final phase of a process we lose a lot of strength. The kav symbolizes that we must develop our energy to finish the work we have started. It is the strength that we must have to conclude a process and finish it. It is the physical energy that wants to dominate matter. The root of the letter kav is kava, which means 'to bend' or 'to master'.

To master matter, we must have the energy of the kav, which is the first letter of the dimension of Kether (the crown). We must not simply work to throw ourselves into the process and leave it halfway. We must fight to reach the end, without stubbornness, but with will, looking for the different strategies that will allow me to reach the end of the process.

We know that we have to master the three crowns of Judaism: the crown of the Torah, the crown of the priesthood and the crown of kingship. The kav symbolizes the number 20.

The number twenty represents a problem, because it confronts two groups of 10. We must struggle to control the negative force of the 10 with our positive force of the other 10. To finish a process and master it, we must transform all the elements of that process.


The expansive power of light from Chesed must be reflected in actions in the lower universes. The emotions of neighbor-love, the inner emotions of self-love have to materialize in hugs, greetings, determined actions that clearly demonstrate our feelings in our behavior. If the feelings of mercy remain only feelings, without reaching real actions, unfortunately we have a sentimentalism that does not translate into action. The Chesed must drive Netzach to perform actions that reveal mercy. We do not have to feel mercy: we must have merciful behaviors. Let us remember that the Hebrew word kli ('vessel') begins with the Kav: this is how we understand that Netzach becomes the vessel of the energy that comes from Chesed. Chesed sends the light it possesses so that Netzach can reveal it through art, sculpture, music and any non-verbal language.

Netzach's actions of artistic expression give us valuable information to know if the Chesed is giving correctly. The actions reveal a lot of information, of which we are often not fully aware. We can discover information relevant to our Chesed. As actions materialize, they drive us to become more inspired. That is, performing our actions stimulates us to increase our capacity to give. In Netzach we empty ourselves of the light of Chesed and, at the same time, activate so that the Chesed can expand much more. Netzach delivers important symbolic information to the higher levels.

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